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BS-AGATSM - Agriculture, Agricultural Technology and Systems Management (ATSM) track, B.S.
Descriptive Information
Program Description
Successful completion of the Agricultural Technology and Systems Management (ATSM) track of Agriculture will prepare students for technical careers focused on the sales or management in the production, processing, or manufacturing of agricultural materials. These careers may be related to crop production, extension, precision agriculture, irrigation management, design and testing of equipment, and many other positions related to commercial agriculture. Students will combine an understanding of the agricultural, biological, and physical sciences with business, managerial, and technical skills.
Students in other majors may also earn a Minor in Agriculture.
The Agriculture program requires 120 semester credit hours plus course and one PE activity course for a total of 123 semester credit hours.
Program Information
Additional Information
Students should follow their advisor’s recommendations for appropriate selections in Core Curriculum Area A1, Area A2, and Area D.
Credit toward graduation not allowed for the following combinations of science courses:
Principles of Biology and non-Science Biology courses (see Biology Course Descriptions for specifics),
Principles of Chemistry and non-Science Chemistry courses (see Chemistry Course Descriptions for specifics), and
Principles of Physics and non-Science Physics courses (see Physics Course Descriptions for specifics).
The maximum number of hours that will be awarded for credit for completion of internships is 9 credit hours.
When a course is authorized in multiple areas of a degree program, students completing the course to meet requirements of one area must take a different course in the subsequent area(s) to meet the requirements of the subsequent area(s) (i.e., No course can be counted multiple times in a degree program).
A baccalaureate degree program requires at least 21 semester hours of upper division courses in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall. Upper division is defined as 3000- and 4000-level courses.