Department: Dept of Rural Studies

Code Name Description
CRJU1100 Introduction to Criminal Justi An examination of the major components of the American criminal justice system at local, state, and federal levels. This course examines the different functions and interrelationships of police, the courts, prosecutors and defense attorneys, basic cr...
CRJU1125 Introduction to Policing This course examines the day-to-day activities of American-style policing with an emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of a patrol officer: response to criminal complaints, domestic disturbances, traffic stops, drug arrests, as well as other p...
CRJU1150 Drugs in American Society This course examines drug abuse in American society, past and present. This course focuses on the different categories of drugs, legal and illegal, their effects and potential levels of abuse, the impact of drug abuse on other criminal activity. Dome...
CRJU1170 Intro Correct Probation Parole This course introduces students to the adult correctional systems used in the United States, the different incarceration categories such as minimum, medium, maximum and “super max” facilities as well as the different alternatives to incarceration suc...
CRJU2065 Homicide Investigation This course provides students with a general knowledge of homicide investigation procedures. Students become familiar with the distinctions between cause and manner of death and the determinations of homicide, suicide, accidental and undetermined dea...
CRJU2155 Intro to Criminal Procedure This course examines the criminal justice processes relating to testimonial and physical evidence. Areas include the legal standards for admitting and presenting evidence, the latest key U.S. Supreme Court decisions governing admissibility of evidenc...
CRJU2200 Fundamental Criminal Law in GA This course provides students with knowledge of the principles and sources of criminal law in America, the elements of proof, criminal responsibility, venues and parties to a crime. Students recognize the appropriate elements of proof required for ma...
CRJU2210 Juvenile Procedure This course examines American juvenile justice procedures, the development of delinquent and criminal behavior, the biological, sociological and physiological theories of delinquency. This course examines the historical and philosophical background,...
CRJU2215 Fundamental Constitutional Law This course provides students with a background into the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the protections contained in these documents, and the constraints imposed on law enforcement officers. The primary focus is a detailed examination of the...
CRJU2230 Introduction to Crime Theories This course is an examination of the different sociological and physiological theories of criminology, as well as a historical perspective of deviant and criminal behaviors in American society. This course focuses on different theories of prevention...
EDSV2100 Education Service Learning This course examines traditional and contemporary best practice models, strategies, and programs to help high school students enroll and be successful in post secondary education. The college students use a service learning model to apply course cont...
FACS2293 Intro. to Marriage and Family An introduction to the structure, processes, problems and adjustments of contemporary marriage and family life. Credit toward graduation not allowed for FACS 2293 and SOCI 2293.
FACS4100 Comm Context of Ind & Family Impact of community contextual influences on human development and families. Socio-psychological and economic impact of housing and community on children and families is explored. The family is examined from an ecological perspective and analyzed as...
GLST3700A Global Experiential Learning This course is designed to allow students the opportunity to study, experience and learn in an organized and structured international environment. Critical and rational thinking skills and problem-solving opportunities are exercised. Students are acc...
GLST3700B Global Experiential Learning This course is designed to allow students the opportunity to study, experience and learn in an organized and structured international environment. Critical and rational thinking skills and problem-solving opportunities are exercised. Students are acc...
GNDR1101 Introduction to Gender Studies A survey course designed to introduce students to the social, cultural, and intellectual concepts of an interdisciplinary field that views gender not only as a major topic of study, but as a tool to analyze modern life. Prerequisite(s): Completion of...
HSCI3050 Intro to Healthcare Info Tech This course is designed to familiarize students with the structure of healthcare in the US and the information technology used in healthcare management. Spring even-numbered years.
HSCI3070 Issues in Rural Health This course provides students with an overview of rural health issues including physician shortages, the development of health care systems, health insurance, telemedicine and others. Students gain both a historical and political perspective on the i...
HSCI3100 Intro Population Health This course is an introduction to population health which considers the distribution of determinants, interventions and policies that impact health outcomes across a broad population in the rural setting. Multiple perspectives in key areas, including...
HSCI4000 Introduction to Epidemiology This course introduces students to key concepts and procedures used in the surveillance and investigation of common health states and events. This course prepares students to use epidemiological principles to identify determinants of health which for...
HSCI4050 Healthcare Financing Insurance This course is designed to offer students without a finance or insurance background the opportunity to learn and apply principles of financial management and insurance processing most important to operational managers in a variety of healthcare setti...
HSCI4890 Special Topics in Comm Health This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
HSCI4891 Special Topics in Comm Health This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
HSCI4892 Special Topics in Comm Health This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
PADM3500 Intro to Public Administration This is an introduction and survey course into the field of public administration, focusing on its history, how public-sector administration differs from private-sector management, and provides the basic core principles of public administration with...
PADM3520 Public Finance Administration This course is an introduction to public finance, and focuses on the differences between public and private sector financial theories, structures, and processes. Students are introduced to the history and development of public financial systems, budg...
PADM4320 Organizational Theory This course focuses on the development and practice of public administration in America by focusing on the key scholars, leaders, their concepts, methodologies, and politics which have influenced and in turn have been influenced by them.
PRSP1010 Perspectives on Human Express. Perspectives on Human Expression introduces a selected genre as an expression of its culture. It traces the genre’s historical and literary development, examines its elements, and analyzes characterizations, stereotypes, moral issues, and themes.
PRSP1020 Perspectives on Global Issues Perspectives on Global Issues is an issue-focused course that requires students to consider various viewpoints, analyze historical and/or modern issues, and reflect on what it means to be an informed citizen in an increasingly diverse society. The go...
PSYC1101 Intro General Psychology A broad survey of the major topics in psychology including research methodology, biological and social factors influencing behavior, development, learning, memory, personality, and abnormal behavior/therapy.
PSYC2101 Intro. to Psych. of Adjustment An introductory examination of the applied psychological theory and research concerning mental health and well-being. Personal application is stressed.
PSYC2103 Human Growth and Development An introductory examination of human development across the life span with an emphasis on normal patterns of physical, cognitive, and social development.
PSYC2201 Introduction to Abnormal Behav An introduction to clinical procedures involved with assessing, diagnosing, treating and anticipating treatment outcomes for persons with identifiable mental disorders. While this course is text-oriented and based in the vocabulary of the Diagnostic...
PSYC3000 Psychology in the Rural Comm This course provides students with an overview of issues affecting the behavior and mental processes of the individual living and/or working in the rural community. Including identification of strengths and stressors associated with rural life and ba...
PSYC4150 Psychology in the Workplace This course provides a critical examination of people in the workplace. It is designed to be a survey course and covers a wide range of traditional and contemporary topics in the field of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology. This course explor...
PSYC4250 Rural Exp w/Race/Class/Gen/Sex Offers an exploration of the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexual identity within rural settings. A central focus develops an understanding of how systems of oppression reinforce each other and intersect to create an overall matrix of dom...
PSYC4890 Special Topics in Psychology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
PSYC4891 Special Topics in Psychology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
PSYC4892 Special Topics in Psychology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
RCDV3000 Intro Rural Comm Development This course is an introduction to the essential ideologies surrounding the field of Rural Community Development, providing students with a survey of pertinent work by major scholars in the field, the various studies in the discipline, and an introduc...
RCDV3050 Practical App Comm Orgn This course is designed to expose students to the practical considerations in administration of community-based organizations. This course increases students’ understanding of the governance, planning, funding, fiscal oversight and relationship build...
RCDV4520 Rural Comm Dev Org In this course, students will engage in the scientific study of community, community organization, and community development. The course covers issues facing rural communities that act as barriers to community development efforts. Students will learn...
RCDV4790A Rural Comm Development Intern This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
RCDV4790B Rural Comm Development Intern This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
RCDV4790C Rural Comm Development Intern This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
RCDV4791 Rural Comm Development Intern This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
RCDV4792 Rural Comm Development Intern This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
RCDV4980 Senior Project Each student works closely with a designated faculty mentor on a Mentored Research or Community Development Project. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing.
RCDV4990 Capstone Seminar Students are required to integrate and demonstrate discipline knowledge, critical thinking, and communication skills through a variety of course activities. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing.
RESM3050 Historical Methods & Skills This course focuses on developing the tools necessary to perform original research including finding and evaluating primary sources and learning to situate original research within the context of related secondary source material. Students hone their...
RESM3060 Intro to Research Methods This course provides students with an overview of research methods emphasizing critical thinking and practice and understanding the principles of empirical theory. This course explores the foundations of research methods and elaborate on topics such...
RESM3065 Community Reseach Methods This course provides students with an overview of research methods emphasizing critical thinking and application in community context. This course explores the foundations of research methods and elaborate on topics such as: funding research, qualita...
RLST4890 Special Topics Rural Studies This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
RLST4891 Special Topics Rural Studies This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
RLST4892 Special Topics Rural Studies This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
RLST4980 Capstone Sem:Senior Project This seminar places special emphasis on rural communities' abilities to address the forces that are transforming and impacting community viability and well-being. Students may examine contemporary economic, social, cultural, or political issues affec...
RLST4990 Capstone Seminar This seminar places special emphasis on rural communities' abilities to address the forces that are transforming and impacting community viability and well-being. Students may examine contemporary economic, social, cultural, or political issues affec...
RSCH1100 Research&Documentation Methods This two-hour course introduces essential collegiate-level research and documentation methods and standards. Students engage in current research methods, apply practical research skills, and properly incorporate and document their research into origi...
SOCI1101 Introduction to Sociology This course examines sociological theory, methods, and selected substantive areas, such as sex, age, gender, social class, and race/ethnicity. Prerequisite(s): Completion of or exemption from Learning Support requirements in English.
SOCI1160 Intro. to Social Problems A theoretical and empirical analysis of selected major social problems confronting American society.
SOCI2293 Intro. to Marriage and Family An introduction to the structure, processes, problems and adjustments of contemporary marriage and family life. Credit toward graduation not allowed for SOCI 2293 and FACS 2293.
SOCI2500 Class, Race & Gender Stratific This course examines stratification and structural inequality in the United States and the global community. Students analyze how class, race and gender form the basis of social stratification and structural inequality. Students also analyze the hist...
SOCI3000 Rural Sociology An investigation into the characteristics and the organization of the changing rural society. Analysis of the social organization of agriculture and rural-urban relations is emphasized.
SOCI3500 Rural Demography An examination of the demographics that shape rural society. Emphasis is on the social patterns derived from migration and population changes due to the intersection of age, gender, race, social class, family structure and educational level. A global...
SOCI4750 Social Policy Rural Communitie This course is an analysis and evaluation of the formulation and implementation of social policy as it pertains to rural communities. Students examine how theory and research inform social policy development and create change in regard to social prob...
SOCI4890 Special Topics in Sociology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
SOCI4891 Special Topics in Sociology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
SOCI4892 Special Topics in Sociology This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
SOSC1100 Values,Issues,& SS An interdisciplinary seminar designed to introduce students to some of the fundamental concepts and issues of the social sciences and to develop students’ critical thinking skills. Topics include such themes as American values, gender issues, and cur...