Introductory to Biology
An introduction to fundamental unifying principles in biology. Topics covered in this course include chemistry of life, cell structure and membranes, cellular functions (metabolism, respiration, photosynthesis, communication, and reproduction), genet...
Introductory Biology II
This course covers the evolution and diversity of organisms, including microbes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Additional topics include body systems, the immune system, reproduction and development, and ecology. This course has a laboratory...
Principles of Biology I
An integrated introduction to modern biology from atomic particles to evolution. General topics to be considered include chemical, molecular and cellular basis of life, photosynthesis, cell metabolism, cell division, genetics, biotechnology, and evol...
Principles Biology I (Honors)
An integrated introduction to modern biology from atomic particles to evolution. General topics to be considered include chemical, molecular and cellular basis of life, photosynthesis, cell metabolism, cell division, genetics, biotechnology, and evol...
Principles of Biology I Lab
Corequisite(s): BIOL 1107. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 1107L, BIOL 1011K, BIOL 1107H, and non-science Biology I labs.
Principles of Biology II
General topics to be considered include domain/kingdom diversity and classification, plant and animal structure and physiology, plant and animal reproduction, animal homeostasis, responsiveness, coordination, and ecology. This course provides content...
Principles Biology II (Honors)
General topics to be considered include domain/kingdom diversity and classification, plant and animal structure and physiology, plant and animal reproduction, animal homeostasis, responsiveness, coordination, and ecology. Credit toward graduation not...
Principles of Biology II Lab
One two-hour laboratory period each week to accompany BIOL 1108. Corequisite(s): BIOL 1108. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 1012K, BIOL 1108H, BIOL 1108L, and non-science Biology II labs.
Anatomy and Physiology I
A detailed, integrated study of the structure and function of the human body including basic chemistry of living systems, cell structure and function; tissues; and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Prerequisite(s): Completion...
Anatomy and Physiology I- Lab
Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2011.
Anatomy and Physiology II
A detailed study of the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the following courses: BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2011L. Corequisite(s): BIOL 2012L.
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab
Corequisite(s): BIOL 2012.
Microbiology and Health Care
A study of the basic microorganism including pathogens, culturing, methods of staining, disinfection and disease. Prerequisite(s):A minimum grade of C in the following courses: (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2011L). Corequisite(s):...
Microbiology & Health Care Lab
Corequisite(s): BIOL 2050.
Survey of plants, emphasizing evolution, variation and reproductive cycles of the major groups. Additional topics will include development, structure and function, as related to the vascular plants. This course is intended for science majors.Prerequi...
General Zoology
A survey of the diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate phyla with emphasis on morphology, physiology, life histories, taxonomy and systematic. Laboratory emphasizes the identification and dissection of common vertebrates and invertebrates as well a...
Introduction to Biostatistics
A variety of statistical techniques are presented.These techniques include survey of data and data types, graphical techniques for data display, central tendency and variability in data, probability distributions, parametric estimation and hypothesis...
An introduction to various taxonomic groups of fungi, emphasizing morphology, taxonomy, evolution, physiology, economic and ecological importance; includes the roles of fungi as both beneficial organisms and as causal agents in plants and animal dise...
Plant Pathology
An introduction to the principles and concepts of phytopathology. These topics include historical impact of plant diseases, microbial biology and life cycles for the various classes of organisms that cause plant diseases, disease development, environ...
The study of insects including taxonomy, morphology, physiology, behavior and evolution. The lab focuses on identification of the different groups with an emphasis on economically important species. An insect collection is required. Prerequisite(s):...
Animal Behavior
An introduction to the major concepts of ethnology and behavioral ecology. The behavior of social animals is emphasized. Topics include communication, reproduction, sociality, foraging, defense, migration, habitat selection and learning. Laboratory a...
Invertebrate Zoology
This course entails a survey of the evolution, morphology, diversity, and ecology of invertebrates. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the following courses: ASLH 2010 or BIOL 2080K.
Intro Biochem & Molecular Biol
This course is a survey of the basic principles of biochemistry that emphasizes a broad understanding of chemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism and structure-function relationships of biologically important molecules. The descriptiv...
Biochemistry II
This course focuses on metabolism and the transfer of information from Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to Ribonucleic acid (RNA) to protein. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 3101 and CHEM 3101. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the fo...
Biochemistry II Lab
Provides students with hands-on experience with common biochemistry bench top techniques and procedures including spectroscopy, chromatography, enzyme purification and kinetics, SDS-PAGE, and PCR. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 3100L a...
Advanced Biochem (Biochem III)
This course focuses on biosynthesis of molecules that play major roles in various pathways; the structure, function, and regulation of genes and chromosomes; as well as more in-depth analysis of various cycles in the body. Exploration of newly publis...
Field Botany
Introductory plant taxonomy with emphasis on laboratory and field study; principles of plant identification, classification, and rules of nomenclature; use of keys; collecting techniques; survey of major flowering plant families; field trips and labo...
A survey of modern genetics including classical Mendelian, population, and molecular genetics. Selected topics include protein synthesis, gene regulation, chromosomal inheritance and variation, linkage and mapping. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replica...
Nutrition & Metabolism
A comparative study of nutrients and metabolic pathways in animal systems. This course focuses heavily on the chemical aspects of nutrition including the study of nutrient nomenclature, structure, function, deficiency symptoms, digestive processes, m...
A study of the basic principles of toxicology, toxic agents in the environment, and the biological processes associated with toxic agents. Toxicology applies basic biochemical, chemical, pathological, physiological, and epidemiological knowledge to g...
Principles Ecology/Evolution
A study of ecological principles with emphasis on the interaction of individuals, populations and communities in the context of biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. Subject matter includes adaptation and evolution; distribution and abundance...
Medical Ethics
The purpose of this course is to prepare students to deal effectively with issues within medical ethics by providing a detailed introduction to core ethical issues in medical ethics and public policy. Topics include ethical theories, contemporary app...
This course provides an introduction to kinesiology as an academic discipline, and includes training on fundamental concepts, the anatomy of movement/physical activity as is related to the musculoskeletal system, professional/career options, current...
Exercise Physiology
An introduction to the physiological responses and adaptions to exercise. Topics include neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and hormonal systems as they pertain to acute and chronic exercise. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C...
Principles of Nutrition
This course provides students with a basic understanding of the science of nutrition emphasizing the impact food can have on the individual's health and wellness. Students identify the essential nutrients and their functions, as well as describe nutr...
Introductory Microbiology
An introduction to the structure and function of microorganisms. Topics include; morphology, nutrition, physiology, genetics and molecular biology of microorganisms with an emphasis on prokaryotes; and their roles in nature and in infection and immun...
Course lectures focus on the physiology, morphology, evolution, ecology, and behavior of birds. Lab emphasizes gross anatomy and identification of Southeastern species by sight and sound. Students are required to walk long distances, often through in...
Plant Anatomy
A comparative study of the cells, tissues and organs of plants and their development in vegetative and reproductive structures of vascular plants. Emphasis on seed plants. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2070K with a minimum grade of C.
Comp Vertebrate Anatomy
A comparative study of the taxonomy, functional morphology, development, ecology and phylogeny of chordate and vertebrate organisms. Laboratory requires students to dissect selected vertebrate organisms and examine evolutionary adaptations and change...
This course covers the evolution, ecology, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles. Identification, taxonomy, and natural history of Southeastern species are included. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 3880 and FRSC 3880. Prerequisite...
Soil Microbiology
This course discusses the roles of soil and water microorganisms in the sustainability and productivity of various ecosystems with specific emphasis on plant microbial interactions, nutrient cycling, degradation of pesticides and other xenobiotics, g...
Cell & Molecular Biology
This course covers the novel concepts in molecular mechanisms essential to structures and functions of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Topics include organization and maintenance of cellular structure, metabolism, regulatory pathway, transcriptiona...
This course introduces students to neuroscience by examining the brain and its relationship to behavior. The topics covered range from neuroanatomy and nervous system development to cell structure, function and signaling, associated sensory systems a...
Plant Physiology
Cell and organismal physiology of plants, metabolic processes, water relations, mineral nutrition, morphogenesis. Also, the effects of age, light, natural rhythms, temperature, and other environmental factors on plant growth. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20...
Animal Physiology
The function of major systems in animals, including evolutionary changes and adaptation to specific environments. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the following courses: (BIOL 2080K or ASLH 2010) and BIOL 3100.
A study of disease as an abnormal biological process. Topics include etiology, symptoms, and the physical and psychological reactions to diseases and injuries. Common diseases and disorders are covered and emphasis is given to cardiovascular, respira...
Development, identification, host-parasite relationships and medical importance of parasitic protozoa, helminths, and arthropods that infect humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the following courses: (ASLH...
Instrumental Analysis
This course covers the design, operational principles, and practical applications of modern instrumental methods used in chemical analysis. Methods discussed include separation identification and quantification of the chemical components of natural a...
Population Genetics
This course focuses on the evolutionary processes affecting the distribution of genetic variation in a population of organisms. Topics covered include Hardy-Weinberg, gene flow, genetic drift, recombination and linkage disequilibrium, natural selecti...
This course covers the fundamental principles of the immune systems that deal with both innate and adaptive responses in vertebrates. Emphasis on the study of the structures and functions of the immune systems in relationship to the roles of antigen-...
Vertebrate Natural History
The life histories of vertebrate species are covered, with primary emphasis on the identification, ecology, behavior, taxonomy, and systematic of southeastern wildlife species. Credit toward graduation not allowed for BIOL 4510 and FRSC 4510. Prerequ...
Tropical Ecology & Natural His
This course explores various tropical environments and introduce the natural history of organisms common to those environments. Ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental issues are introduced through lectures, field experiences, and discovery-orien...
Biological Research Methods
Topics include critical analysis of research design and implementation; and writing research proposals. Students select the Senior Thesis or Original Research option and write a proposal that serves as the basis for the formal presentation in the req...
Biological Research
Students work with an instructor conducting scientific research and participate in a new or ongoing research project. Work performed during a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU [paid internship]), unpaid internship or at a facility other tha...
Research Method Health Science
An introduction to the principles of research methodology in the health sciences. This course examines the context of research in the health sciences and provides students with basic research skills. Spring. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in t...
Biology Internship
This course will provide students the opportunity to link program skills and content with career-related work experiences. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and apply problem solving skills, communication skills,...
Special Topics in Biology
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Special Topics in Biology
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Speical Topics In Biology
This customized course is designed to offer students an opportunity to pursue study of a topic not covered in existing curriculum or to focus on a topic that lies beyond the prescribed curriculum appropriate to students' interests or employment oppor...
Senior Project
Students prepare a formal presentation that satisfies the criteria for the Senior Thesis or Original Research option selected in BIOL 4600. Students are provided with evaluation criteria in advance and all presentations are evaluated by a faculty pan...
Principles of Chemistry I
A general course in chemistry including dimensional analysis, atomic and molecular structures, chemical and physical properties, gas laws, and solutions. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211H and CHEM 1211K. Prerequisite(s...
Principles Chem I (Honors)
A general course in chemistry including dimensional analysis, atomic and molecular structures, chemical and physical properties, gas laws, and solutions. Lab exercises are designed to complement the course material. Credit toward graduation not allow...
Principles of Chemistry I
The first course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry designed for science majors. Topics to be covered include composition of matter, stoichiometry, periodic relations, and nomenclature. Note:...
Principles of Chemistry I Lab
Corequisite(s): CHEM 1211. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 1211L and CHEM 1211H and CHEM 1211K.
Principles of Chemistry II
This course includes thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, and selected descriptive chemistry. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212H and CHEM 1212K. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the following course: MATH 1111...
Principles Chem II (Honors)
This course covers thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, and selected descriptive chemistry. Lab exercises are designed to complement the course material. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212H and CHEM 1212K. Prerequisite...
Principles of Chemistry II
This course covers the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry designed for science majors. Topics to be covered include intermolecular forces, properties of solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, chemical thermodynamics, an...
Principles of Chemistry II Lab
Corequisite(s): CHEM 1212. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 1212L and CHEM 1212H and CHEM 1212K.
Fund Organic Chemistry I
This course covers basic topics of structure and function, organic reaction fundamentals, and stereoisomerism. Aliphatic and cyclic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkyl halides, alcohol, ethers, and alkynes are studied. Emphasis is placed upo...
Fund Organic Chemistry I-Lab
Corequisite(s): CHEM 2040.
Fund Organic Chemistry II
Topics include aromatic compounds, ketones and aldehydes, carboxylic acids, amines, and amides. The structure, function, and reactivity of these compounds are investigated. IR, MS, and NMR spectroscopies are utilized as an aid in determining the stru...
Fund Organic Chemistry II-Lab
Corequisite(s): CHEM 2041.
Quantitative Analytical Chem
This course introduces students to statistics; the use of spreadsheets; principles of gravimetric and volumetric analysis; concepts of chemical equilibria as applied to acid-base precipitation and complex ion reactions; electrochemistry and potentiom...
Quantitative Analytical Chem L
This course provides hands-on opportunities for students that coincide with the material/experiments covered in lecture. Laboratory experiments include gravimetric analysis; precipitation, complexiometric, and reduction-oxidation titrations; potentio...
Intro Biochem & Molecular Biol
A survey of the basic principles of biochemistry that emphasizes a broad understanding of chemical events in living systems in terms of metabolism and structure-function relationships of biologically important molecules. The descriptive chemistry of...
Biochemistry II
This course focuses on metabolism and the transfer of information from Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to Ribonucleic acid (RNA) to protein. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 3101 and BIOL 3101. Prerequisite(s): A minimum grade of C in the fo...
Biochemistry II Lab
Provides students hands-on experience with common biochemistry bench top techniques and procedures including spectroscopy, chromatography, enzyme purification and kinetics, SDS-PAGE, and PCR. Credit toward graduation not allowed for CHEM 3101L and BI...
Advanced Biochem (Biochem III)
This course focuses on biosynthesis of molecules that play major roles in various pathways; the structure, function, and regulation of genes and chromosomes; as well as more in-depth analysis of various cycles in the body. Exploration of newly publis...
Instrumental Analysis
This course covers the design, operational principles, and practical applications of modern instrumental methods used in chemical analysis. Methods discussed include separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural...
Introduction to Computing
This course provides an introduction of concepts, skills, and capabilities associated with current computer technologies. Fundamentals of computer systems, human-computer interfaces, networking, multi-media, spreadsheet, database, ecommerce, social i...
Computer Science I
This course includes an overview of computers and programming; problem-solving and algorithm development; simple data types; arithmetic and logical operators; selection structures; repetition structures; text files; arrays (one- and two-dimensional);...
Computer Science II
This course includes an overview of abstract data types (ADTs); arrays (multi-dimensional) and records; sets and strings; binary files; searching and sorting; introductory algorithm analysis (including Big-O); recursion; pointers and linked lists; so...
Environmental Science
Environmental Science, the study of interactions between humans and the environment, is an interdisciplinary science course that integrates principles from biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and non-science disciplines. Issues of local, regional,...
Electronic Tech in the Edu Env
This course is an introduction to using personal computers to communicate with individuals and groups and to locate, analyze, organize, and present information. Emphasis is on exploring the role of technology in present, and future learning experienc...
Introduction Geosciences I/Lab
This course covers Earth materials and processes. Geology 1121K is a 4 semester-credit-hour course, equivalent to an on-campus geology lecture course combined with a geology laboratory course. The course is delivered via GoView to your computer. A fe...
Life & Earth Science-Elem Ed
The learning outcome and topics of this course are intended to focus on central themes in life and earth science. Themes include characteristics of life, cells, heredity, biodiversity, interdependence of life, energy flow, earth systems, lithosphere,...
Physical Science-Elem Ed
The learning outcomes and topics of this course are intended to focus on central themes in physical science. Themes include matter, energy, forces, electromagnetic/gravitational fields and astronomy. Prerequisite(s):MATH 1001 or MATH 1111, with a min...
Physical Science I
A survey course covering physics concepts at an algebra level. Topics covered include Newton's Laws, conservation of momentum and energy, wave motion, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1001 or MATH 1111, with a minimum...
Physical Science I Lab
Corequisite(s): PHSC 1011.
Physical Science II
A survey course of introductory chemical principles covering measurement, atomic theory, chemical equations, general types of chemical reactions, and equilibrium. This course places emphasis on how chemistry impacts everyday life.Prerequisite(s): Com...
Physical Science II Lab
Corequisite(s): PHSC 1012.
Introductory Physics I
An introductory course which includes material from mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Elementary algebra and trigonometry are used. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHYS 1111 and PHYS 2211. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1112 or MATH 1113, with a...
Introductory Physics I Lab
Corequisite(s): PHYS 1111. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHSY 1111L and PHYS 2211L and PHYS 2211K.
Introductory Physics II
An introductory course which includes material from electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Elementary algebra and trigonometry are used. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHYS 1112 and PHYS 2212. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111...
Introductory Physics II Lab
Corequisite(s): PHYS 1112. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHSY 1112L and PHYS 2212L and PHYS 2212K.
Principles of Physics I
Principles of Physics I and Laboratory is a 4 semester credit hour introductory course which will include material from mechanics, thermodynamics and waves. Elementary differential calculus will be used. This course has a laboratory component that re...
Principles of Physics I
An introductory course which includes material from mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Elementary differential calculus is used. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHYS 2211 and PHYS 1111 and PHYS 2211K. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1501 or MATH 20...
Principles of Physics I & Lab
This introductory course includes material from mechanics, thermodynamics and waves. Elementary differential calculus is used. NOTE: Students taking PHYS 2211K to satisfy degree requirements for a two lab science course sequence (PHYS 2211K ' PHYS 22...
Principles of Physics I Lab
Corequisite(s): PHYS 2211.
Principles of Physics II
An introductory course which includes material from electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Elementary differential and integral calculus are used. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHYS 2212 and PHYS 1112. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2211 and...
Principles of Physics II & Lab
An introductory course that includes material from electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Elementary differential and integral calculus will be used. Prerequisite(s): eCore Introduction Quiz, (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L) or PHYS 2211K, with a mi...
Principles of Physics II Lab
Corequisite(s): PHYS 2212. Credit toward graduation not allowed for PHSY 2212L and PHYS 1112L and PHYS 2212K.
Address Environmental Issues
This seminar addresses current controversial environmental issues concentrating on the problems and solutions associated with these issues. The basis for course discussions is the background and controversy surrounding these issues and ethics involve...
Medical Terminology
Designed to teach the meaning of 300 Latin and Greek roots, suffixes, and prefixes. With the knowledge of these 300 elements, students are able to interpret and understand more than 10,000 complex medical terms.
Environmental Science
A study of ecological concepts that form the basis for understanding environmental issues: ecology, populations, diversity, resources, pollution and global climate changes. Interrelationships of physical, chemical and biological components of the env...
Environmental Science Lab
Experiences include environmental science activities in the laboratory as well as field trips to local areas of environmental interest. Prerequisite(s): Completion of or exemption from Learning Support requirements in English and Mathematics. Corequi...
Marine Science
This course includes a general overview of the fundamentals of marine science including marine geology, physics, chemistry, and biology. This course addresses geological, chemical, and physical features of the marine environment, marine organisms and...
Introductory Geology
This course introduces topics which include physical geological features and processes that shape the Earth. Topics include rocks and minerals, resources and processes such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, streams, flooding and coastal ero...